Tuesday, 19 November 2013

BlackBerry 10.2 Rolls Out- New Features That Make You Love Your BB10 Smart-Phone

BlackBerry 10.2 Rolls Out
Recently, BlackBerry has rolled out its new and powerful BlackBerry 10.2 OS that comes with many new features including BlackBerry Priority Hub, BlackBerry Natural Sound, quick previews of BBM, Email from any application, copy and paste improvements, keyboard, lock screen notifications and many more. The company has introduced various new and cool features that surely impress you and make you love your BlackBerry 10 smart-phone.
We can say that the company given many reasons to love your smart-phone that based on BlackBerry 10 OS. Along with these mentioned features, the update also brings lots of new refinements that make this OS more better, faster and easier. What more you want from new update? I think these new features are extremely compelling that will surely attract you towards your smart-phone again.
Give a quick glimpse on BlackBerry 10.2 Update Features:
BBM video with Natural Sound: As we all know that BBM video has allowed us to have a live face-to-face conversation with our loved ones, friends, family and business partners no matter whether they are. But now with Natural Sound, BBM video as well as video conversation between BlackBerry 10 smart-phones sounds more natural and interesting. One can easily achieve this as BlackBerry Natural Sound captures a wider sound spectrum.
Copy and Paste Improvements: Now, copy and paste feature has been improved as it also improved text selection. With BlackBerry 10.2, you can get more precise cursor control which you are looking for. If you select text, one pop-up menu provides you editing options and direct sharing with Facebook, Twitter and BBM so that you can easily copy, paste and share.
Quick Previews of BBM, Email and SMS from any application: Now, it doesn’t matter what you are doing on your BlackBerry smart-phone as BBM and SMS and email messages will easily search you.  In any application, you can easily see email SMS and BBM messages; however, you can also give respond to those messages. With a single swipe, you can also go to the BlackBerry Hub and respond to your email.
BlackBerry Keyboard: When it comes to BlackBerry keyboard, it knows everything like your next move; however, it has been improved with smarter feature. The company has development this keyboard to help you in your conversations with speed and accuracy using personalized next word suggestion, distinctive BlackBerry keyboard layout, auto-correction and more. Enhanced audio feedback with different tones for particular keys such as shift that helps you to type more confidently, backspace and many more features are updated.
Above mentioned features of BlackBerry 10.2 are some major updates that you should know. Now, BlackBerry 10 users can also get application on this new OS that enables them to carry-out their business, personal and other transactions without any hassle. It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for business apps development for Playbook or your smart-phone that based on BB 10, you can get any application by hiring a professional BlackBerry developer.
More Information About Blackberry 10.2.1 contact Here: http://www.perceptionsystem.com/blackberry-10-application-development.html

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